Nesbitt IP LLC


We specialize in patent law and practice, including the patenting of inventions, the enforcement of patents, and patent infringement. Nesbitt IP LLC’s skilled and experienced patent attorneys provide companies, technology owners, and inventors with reliable, effective legal services to protect their patents and intellectual property assets and address their business and technology needs.

Intellectual Property Attorneys

Personalized Counseling

Our clients can expect quality service and personalized counseling for their patent, trademark and technology matters, including advice regarding patent strategy and drafting, patent enforcement and patent infringement.

Practice Areas

We handle utility and design patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Our attorneys are registered intellectual property attorneys and patent specialists.

Patent Lawyer - Hasse & Nesbitt
Intellectual Property Attorneys

Personalized Counseling

Our clients can expect quality service and personalized counseling for their patent, trademark and technology matters, including advice regarding patent strategy and drafting, patent enforcement and patent infringement.

Patent Lawyer - Hasse & Nesbitt

Practice Areas

We handle utility and design patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Our attorneys are registered intellectual property attorneys and patent specialists.

Book a Consultation!

Contact us to schedule an appointment and learn how we can help you manage your patent and other intellectual property assets.